Recent content by kacor88

  1. K

    Just placed order with attitude seed bank

    afraid to say i ordered the same thing and never got my seeds :( i have ordered other things and received them in good time though!
  2. K

    First grow..clf...yeild expectations

    here take a look at this thread. CFL works. get over it lol
  3. K

    attitude seeds rox 100% approval rating,no rips

    yeah man. didn't get track and trace though but i know plenty of poeple who have bought seeds from them tried and true.
  4. K

    attitude seeds rox 100% approval rating,no rips

    I have actually been waiting almost 3 weeks from my seeds from attitude. I sent them an e-mail and had to wait 2 days for a reply. They say they've sent them. We will see.
  5. K

    My CFL box..

    Hey guys just thought i'd show you what happens when you get baked and take some ridilin haha it is pretty bootleg right now but i'll be making another one soon that is in better quality. It is still a work in progress and the plants inside right now are just reg. Didn't want to be figuring...
  6. K

    New CFL Grow - PICS UP!

    that is amazing man!
  7. K

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    i have a motion sensor on my closet for my "fresh food" lol