Recent content by jimster32

  1. J

    am i to paranoid

    :mrgreen: i liked that. Same!
  2. J

    Black Dots

    You sure its not soil? I freaked out once when I sprinkled soil all over my leaves and when I went back to check on them (by looking through a peephole) I thought they were infested with gnats or something. Not a fun 2 seconds.
  3. J

    Young plants remaining yellow?

    **Help Please** A ''friend of mine'' has a few little plants growing that are about 15 days old - and 2 of them have had almost completely yellow bottom leaves since about day 4. They look ill. :cry: They were in small seedling pots for a little to long I think, so 'he' recently transplanted...
  4. J

    purple stems

    i'm just using bagseed..... i'm not worried about it..... hopefully someone can tell us what causes it...
  5. J

    purple stems

    My plants are in day 12 of veg - and ever since they sprouted they have had solid, bright purple stems - is this bad? or is it just a strain thing...