Recent content by jiggaw00t

  1. jiggaw00t

    Looking for a basic 400w HPS for my tiny space

    From the research I've done, vegging with hps leads to taller plants with fewer leaves, and Metal Halide will produce a shorter plant with more leaves. I plan on doing a grow soon, but starting with a 400w MH for veg then switch to 400w HPS for flower. You can use both bulbs on the same...
  2. jiggaw00t

    looking for input on lighting.

    Although I'm new to the forums, I have been in the hobby of saltwater reef-keeping for over 2 years. I have a tank with many different types of corals - each has specific levels of lighting needs. I have a 4 bulb T5 HO light unit that is 156 watts total. The amount of heat this unit puts out...
  3. jiggaw00t

    Gotta start a new grow now!! Damnn.

    He should have ripped you up instead...
  4. jiggaw00t

    New user, new to forum, new to hobby :)

    I live in southern CA, looking forward to prop 19 voting this November. Recent survey's indicate a close divide, but it seems like it will pass. There are many mj forums that I've been looking around in, and I like how respectful you guys are here... or maybe I've just seen the nicer posts lol...