Recent content by Jadydee21

  1. J

    this marks flowering day 28

    Hey Well im currently doing my first grow, which is on day 40. I've linked some pics of mine at day 30ish and i'd say your tops look pritty similar to mine, and well looking how mine are doing now, i'd say your on the right path...well i hope you are ;) If you wanna see mine at day 40...
  2. J

    B52 & Jacky White, which ones's which?

    Thought i'd add some more, to maybe help tell which is which :)
  3. J

    B52 & Jacky White, which ones's which?

    Hey, first post here, so thought i'd start with saying Hi :) This is our first grow, and we made a mistake by not labelling our pots or noting down which seed was which. So i've linked some photo's (hopefully works :?) and wondered if someone here was able to tell which one is which. B52 and...