Recent content by itsjustcannabis

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    Best way to keep buds fresh and sticky

    whats the best way to keep buds fresh and sticky without lossing thc?
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    How much you can smoke without stopping

    on 420 i smoked about 12 blunts of all good weed in one day, but in that same day we smoked a small train [ 2 dutches rolled into 1 long one] and 2 single dutchies going around for 3 people. the blunts were liek 1.2grams ea. also kash959 Man i just can't hack it. It's like, i get high and then...
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    Coca Plant

    wtf r u thinking crack? your wack dude..your in the wrong site we roll here not use crack pipes
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    nice thanks still taking any suggestions
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    how to keep dears away from pot plants? i had 4 nice plants even 1 was budding and the dam deer ate all the leaves off em and there sticks now lol. the one that wasnt eatin was the one that was buddin [like 2 weeks into] so i put a doog cage around it and the dam dear plowed it over and the...
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    BLEACH.... survivor?

    haaha and thats how people end up dead. smoking bleach infested pot ahha dumbass
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    no leaves but bud?

    nvm cant find my camera
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    no leaves but bud?

    hold up ill get a pic man but ya its like a long stick now with a little bud at the top
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    no leaves but bud?

    ok well i got these plants and they were getting grown outdoors in my backyard. well some DAM animal ate my leaves off all my plants liek 2 weeks ago. i had this one plant and it started to bud at the top of the plant. now theres even little crystals on the leaves on thee top. my question is...
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    Marijauna and sound.

    midgradeindasouth Veteran Smoker Mr. Ganja Join Date: Mar 2007 Location: Magraphea Posts: 1,997 Gallery: permalink If you listen very closely the plants will tell you what they would prefer. hahaha no way LOLOLOLOL mid
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    my plant is getting there.

    lmao pubes on 3rd pic hahha this dude is a joke
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    H e l p

    lemme see a pic of it
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    what should i do with these?

    what type of soil is good to use? how much does it cost?
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    should i start to flower these?

    dont comment this thread its over there is a new one