Recent content by inthecubard

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    UNITED KINGDOM :lol: lol stop spammin mo fo's im in neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!
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    anybody at all?
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    scotland, bucksburn
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    Anyone in this place?? Pm me i need some help please :(
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    help male or fem??

    i did but it was pitch black at the time and when the light is on it flickers like mad, i'll sort sumat out. thanks for now
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    help male or fem??

    been in grow for a month or so till i got my HPS sorted its been on 12-12 now 5 days and has gone crazy since can you tell what it is?? its my first grow BTW so dont abuse me :p any ideas? i'll get some better ones when the lights back on :blsmoke:
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    The "two-words" game!

    spinker weasel
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    male or female

    my plant looks the same as that has had hairs for ages but now sprouting some leave type things by the hairs now im still to new at this to guess or no so i hope for yours and my own sake there female PS what strain is it?
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    Sketchiest Place You've Smoked?

    i was 17 in holland amseterdam as a matter of fact in the back of a 1940s style cj540 jeep, we were parked on a one way street in the middle of the town in the middle of the day, the owner and his son (ma mate) went into the shop and his other mate stayed, he started to roll a fat J as im doing...
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    Grow room fans!!!!!

    raid a pc case for the power and fan
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    whas a clf!

    a spiral energy saving one
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    whas a clf!

    ya im sorted now i tried googling it but as u can see my spelling was wrong so thas why i just made a thread (also spelt wrong) man for aload of stoners you dont half moan much :p jj ;)
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    whas a clf!

    thanks dude i thought about a pc fan but didnt think on how to power it :lol: classic half assed stoner!
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    whas a clf!

    lol 3 threads yup :oops: my bad like i said shes all i have left now so i need all the mokes i can get