Recent content by IASMOKER

  1. I

    Anyone used a vacum seal machine?

    My buddy had a qp in his spare tire and aired up and the dog didn't hit on it but maybe he was lucky?
  2. I

    Ok First Grow And Need Some Help

    Yeah if you go outside make sure the soil is going to be about the same to. Like muyoso said the issue of security maybe the biggest issue depending on what animals are going to be able to get to it or more importantly who will be able to see them.
  3. I

    Grow lights ......??

    They make timers that you plug in your lights to so that they switch on and off at a certain time and length of time. Couldn't tell you were to find one but my g-ma has one at her house.
  4. I

    So im gonna take shrooms for the first time..

    Me and one of my friends split a 1/8 but I didn't really trip til I decided I wanted so orange juice......then about a couple minutes later while riding in the passenger seat the street lights started freaking me out. So I guess what I'm saying is mask the taste (DQ) and just chill out.
  5. I

    Smoke cocaine?

    Damn trying to read all these comments....can't do it but I feel like voicing my opinion. First of all I've had laced joints, laced bowls, and maybe a gram up my nose infrequently (could be a month before i do it again could be 8 months) anyways I haven't noticed that extreme of a addictive...
  6. I

    Seed questions

    Can't promise anything but, every seed has the potential to be a good plant. I mean its always probably better to get the seeds that are proven to grow good. I'm going to start growing again soon maybe I will test this theory and grow both bag seeds, and order some other seeds. good luck with...
  7. I

    Shroom Growing

    Yeah I really want to learn how to grow my own shrooms so I can stop paying these high prices around here. IA
  8. I

    Seed questions

    Yeah me and my friend not being the most experienced growers at all planted some bag seeds outside even and with what attention we paid to watering and making sure animals didn't get to it actually ended up with some good green. The beauty of that is sunlight is free and so is tap water.