Recent content by HydroThunder

  1. HydroThunder

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I Good catch PSUAGRO. I looked into the bulb lifespan thing. Luxim recommends replacement after 70% degradation while iunu recommends replacement at 3-4% degradation. This explains the massive difference in service life. Here's the catch, last time I checked you had to send you luxim fixture...
  2. HydroThunder

    Plasma Lighting, New 500 watt systems to be released soon!!!

    PSUAGRO and ttystikk, So you'd rather not hear how my plasma test goes? I understand that you are more comfortable with the technology that you're familiar with (apparently that's COB LEDs), but considering how complicated a cannabis plant is and how subtle the details of an efficient...
  3. HydroThunder

    Plasma Lighting, New 500 watt systems to be released soon!!!

    BTW. Look in the comments on this article It has Gavita's market manager chatting with a iunu rep. Gavita even admits that plasma has a better spectrum.
  4. HydroThunder

    Plasma Lighting, New 500 watt systems to be released soon!!!

    I recently bought a iunu plasma light and I've only rooted my clones. I'm doing plasma from clone to flower. The clones rooted in 7 days. Very vigorous root growth. I'll try to keep people up to date with my progress. I contacted a iunu rep through their website and the people are pretty...
  5. HydroThunder

    IUNU Dual Plasma

    First time poster, long time reader - I'm really curious about this iunu plasma lights too, and admittedly, I bought one recently because I was pretty sold on the spectrum. I just took clones under them and they rooted in 7 days. Pretty happy so far. I emailed iunu and they said 4% degradation...