Recent content by hljizzle12

  1. H

    Safe to plant outside

    Don't get too carried away. Be smart about it. Don't plant in places where someone might find it and definetly not somewhere where if is found it can be linked to you. If you are growing indoors make sure you carbon filter and have great security around your area. If outdoors don't plant in...
  2. H

    Lowryder guerrilla 09

    i read somewhere that some variations of auto ak can get up to 50gs a plant but idont know if that's outdoors
  3. H

    Lowryder guerrilla 09

    thinks for the advice. i plan on getting some autos that aren't femmed but i was heavily considering getting a lot of feminized seeds as well, just to cut down on the extra hassle of having to keep checking the plots for males. I've grown LR2 once before on an indoor grow inside a cabinet grow...
  4. H

    Lowryder guerrilla 09

    I am looking to have a perpetual guerrilla autoflowering cycle from April to October sometime. I am looking to pull about a pound every month after the first harvest. I'm planning on running cycles of 12-20 plants depending on the strain i finally choose. I will be starting the seedlings...