Recent content by histoire

  1. H

    small problem getting bigger...

    I flushed again with an appropriate PH this time and the yellowing has stopped and the new leaves are a nice dark green... hope they will stay like that. Just a quick question. Is it possible for my older yellowish leaves to get back to a nice dark green again? (I guess not, but just asking)...
  2. H

    small problem getting bigger...

    Thank you all for the imput. I ve been watering them with a higher ph for the last 2 weeks (6.5), but i ve never checked the ph of the runoff. I ll flush again with a ph of 6.6+ and check the runoff this time. For ipack... I m using good quality soil from holland that I buy at the flower...
  3. H

    small problem getting bigger...

    Hi, I m growing 3 girls (2 blue mystic and 1 white rhino, all from Nirvana) in a small grow box under a 400 HPS. My plants are 6 weeks old (5 of veg and just getting out of their first week of flowering. The problem started 3 weeks ago. The lower fan leaves started to turn yellow after I...
  4. H

    Crossed strains 400W HPS 2 person cabinet grow

    That s a great harvest you got there!!! You must be spending a happy:blsmoke:xmas time! i just read your entire log and i m getting excited. I have a similar cabinet and a 400hps.. Just received my blue mystic and white rhino seeds this afternoon and thinking to start my grow after the new...