Recent content by Gusto2010

  1. Gusto2010

    Hermie Autoflower? Fem seeds???

    my northern lights autoflower from nirvana hermied as well and i am wondering if my seed's are "female", 50-50, or just hermie??
  2. Gusto2010

    PC Grow Box Help

    one bigger than a pc box. unless you. " lst " the shit out of the plant.
  3. Gusto2010

    wuts the highest yielding outdoor strain

    big bud outdoors
  4. Gusto2010

    the big list of AutoFlowering strains

    yeah.. i think i am growing a normal ak48 not an autoflowering one. I had it outdoors since march. Its now mid August and not anywhere near finishing. I live in southern cali.
  5. Gusto2010

    First CFL micro grow PICS, Northern Lights day 17

    i just made a box about that size, and hope my northern lights auto flower do good. I was starting to think my box may be too short!!. Nice growth and looking good man!
  6. Gusto2010

    with such limited space.. i have been inspired to cfl a gutted out dresser, with hopes of...

    with such limited space.. i have been inspired to cfl a gutted out dresser, with hopes of success!! thanx for the helpfull tips.
  7. Gusto2010

    just ordered some feminized autoflower northern light

    just ordered some too !! agree with con's but looking foward to the quick finish in such a limited space. Hope to see further posts with good lookin' results. Peace
  8. Gusto2010

    How Cold Can Cannabis Tolerate?

    It depends on what strain you grow. Equatorial Sativa's don't like the cold.
  9. Gusto2010

    Volck Oil

    It's not too bad i mix about a teaspoon per quart spray bottle. Filtered Drinking water not tap due to high clorine levels. Spray it and leave it. The leaves look so much better and kind of glossy.. I don't rinse because I feel it doesn't leave a nasty looking film, and I don't smoke the leaves...