Recent content by growman904

  1. G

    Robin Meade....(from CNN headline news)

    Your all wrong, thu Robin Meade is the Queen, Christie Paul is the most beautiful of all. She actually said "Titty" on air.... I got wood.
  2. G

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    i use to do work in schools (during class time with students and teachers right there), installing network cable in ceiling. i could stand on a ladder waist high in drop ceiling with enough air being sucked up and out of the classroom thur the ceiling, i could take my pipe.load it, and burn it...
  3. G

    Police dogs: how well can they smell bud?

    I work in alot of schools around the S.Ga area. as a computer installer. to my shock one day, the police started to search for drugs in each class room, not just sniffing lockers as done in the past.But this was a elementary school, and they were dragin this dog up and down every isle. past...