Recent content by gonzoman

  1. G

    The 100 Best Science Books of All Time

    I can personally recommend Bad Science from Ben Goldacre (number 97 on the list). It's quite a funny read.
  2. G

    If you reacted drugs with pure carbon

    mmmhh ... MMMHHHHH :D
  3. G

    What Are You Listening To?
  4. G

    Always wondered this;

    Ok, basically you dodged the question.
  5. G

    Always wondered this;

    Just being curious, what fields of mathematics did you study ?
  6. G

    Always wondered this;

    Actually, the gravitational field of the sun keeps us around by curling our trajectory but it doesn't act like some kind of brake that would prevent us from reaching extreme speeds. Let's say the earth in the gravitational field of the sun is like some kind of giant hamster in a giant...
  7. G

    The legalization in Europe

    It's largely tolerated in some parts of Switzerland. Here's a recent article I've got : The headlines go like this : Most of the marijuana grows indoor, indoor cultivation is becoming more and more common, the...
  8. G

    If you reacted drugs with pure carbon

    Probably nothing fancy would happen. Carbon itself is not very reactive and drugs usually don't have aggressively reactive groups anywhere. Also, we may be carbon based organisms, but carbon chains are not very reactive just by themselves (unless you consider contact with strong oxidizers, and...
  9. G

    A warning!!!

    From what I've understood from Barry Cooper's video, it might be illegal but they can just pretend the invasion didn't happen unless they leave physical evidence that they had to kick and destroy the door (hence Barry says : never ever open the door, even lock it). After the search without...