Recent content by gondola

  1. G

    Seedlings look droopy and shriveled not dry

    I took the pictures of the 2 f'd up ones shortly after watering. Ive used this soil to grow other plants but im thinking about getting the ocean forest shit.....anyone else see what could be the prob?
  2. G

    Seedlings look droopy and shriveled not dry

    first pic is of what I'm watering (ph 6.4) them with....2nd pic is one of the problem plants that look shriveled...3rd is the other one...the last two are two plants that seem to be doing okay but with the same growing conditions as the others. Notice the CFL in the last pic.... We are using...
  3. G

    Hows she lookin? 3rd week flowering...pic

    This plant has had its fair share of problems from spider mite to ph errors, But she never stopped growing.....had to bend her about 5 times already....she still doesnt have the kinda green i want but what do you guys think?
  4. G

    got a whole new set of problems with this one

    thats her now......not doing TOO bad....of course i still have the same discolored leaves but its still growing and the new growth dont look too looks like some nute burn so im just going to feed it some good ph'd water and see how she likes it....
  5. G

    got a whole new set of problems with this one some questions for you on that.... a lot of people told me that going up to 88 degrees isnt that bad......would that make a big diff? the soil ph comes out of the bag at 7.0....if I water it with water thats around 6.4-6.7, the soil ph would drop to 6.4 eventually right? How...
  6. G

    got a whole new set of problems with this one

    So...ive posted about this plant before having problems....before the leaves used to be well as stems.... i got rid of the purpleness in the leaf sets for the most part....still got some purple stems though.... but anyway... now the plant has heavy yellowing all around leaf...
  7. G

    Not sure whats wrong here....brown spots PICS

    So this plant is healthy for the most part..... I just switched it into flowering yesterday.... but a lil while ago I noticed one of the small, older, lower leaves was yellowing and had brown spots... That leaf didn't both me, as there was only one like it... Today I checked it and it seems...
  8. G

    Cheap ways to cool your grow room?

    do what i a cool mist humidifier from walmart....runs bout 30 bux......get a small fan with good flow.....put cold water in the humidifier and it almost acts as an AC and will also raise your humidity.......the good cool mist humidifiers (crane) will shoot mist out the top and u can...
  9. G

    the hell is wrong with my plant...all purple n wierd...

    Thanks for the pics rzza.... I watered with about a gal of water and Pureblend Pro....we'll see what happens...
  10. G

    the hell is wrong with my plant...all purple n wierd...

    Yea its a clone....i bought it about 3 weeks ago and there were a lot of nice roots stickn out the it is on the 10th of July about a week after i purchased and transplanted..> I'm not havin too much luck with purchased clones and will probably start from seed next time but im...
  11. G

    the hell is wrong with my plant...all purple n wierd...

    yo i looked at this It doesn't look like phos def. My arent turning purple like that...its at the stems mostly....then i kinda see it on the edges and work its way in....its on the...
  12. G

    the hell is wrong with my plant...all purple n wierd...

    ok....thanks for the help.... would PureBlend Pro work for phos def? its 3-2-4
  13. G

    the hell is wrong with my plant...all purple n wierd...

    Not quite sure what you mean here....or how to do this for that matter...
  14. G

    the hell is wrong with my plant...all purple n wierd...

    I have not added any nutes to the watering for this plant yet....all of its nutes are coming from teh i'd be surprised if its a toxicity... I have Pureblend Pro...but that also has phos in it as well right?