Recent content by gman101

  1. gman101

    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    Hey Fiddyone... So, where do you get the miniature soda cans and water bottle to make your stalks look so big? Al kidding aside, looking incredible to say the least... Well done! After all the potential yield SWAG'S (scientific wild ass guesses), I do hope you indulge our collective curiosity...
  2. gman101

    How full to fill the jars for the best cure?

    This is absolutely correct as buds are hygroscopic (they will absorb moisture from the air), so I too burp my jars in relatively dry conditions, and if I find that a jar needs a tad more drying I will only open it to dry when the humidity is low. One thing here I see as a common thought is not...
  3. gman101

    How full to fill the jars for the best cure?

    Hazard noted... Thanks! My usual challenge is to keep it from drying too fast cause it be hot and dry here most of the time.
  4. gman101

    How full to fill the jars for the best cure?

    This is exactly what I wanted to hear... Cool. I only grow a little for personal stash, and unfortunately this year had to harvest early (SUCKS!), but space is a premium to get it into a dozen 1qt mason jars. Thanks for the input to all!
  5. gman101

    How full to fill the jars for the best cure?

    Ok, here is a question that I cannot find a clear answer to, which is: How full should the jars be for proper curing? Or does it even matter? Typically, after drying most of the way I place my crop into mason jars, filling them about 3/4 full. I have done this with the thought that there is...
  6. gman101

    ok cali growers listen to this

    Yo Antny420... Honestly, age has absolutely nothing to do with this at all, it's much more related to an individuals level of maturity. The only comment I made was that I thought this was an adult site, which is a true and honest comment. Personally, I welcome and respect all ages (legal of...
  7. gman101

    how can i hide the smell???

    This has gotta be one of the best idea's I've heard, so obvious but I never thought of it... Then again, I've never grown enough to stink up a neighborhood... lol I do remember well though living in a suburban neighborhood, and if anyone within a block or 2 was using manure everyone knew it...
  8. gman101

    ok cali growers listen to this

    All this and no pics? Waiting on Mom's camera? I thought this site was for adults...
  9. gman101

    Plants coming along

    I disagree with the over watering of the one in the bucket but I am no pro... Are you in SoCal? I live in SoCal and am of the opinion that it is virtually impossible to over water a potted plant here this time of year provided the pot drains well. Many on here from other parts of the country...
  10. gman101

    Early picking question

    Gotta throw in my $0.02 on this one... -Sure, waiting is better. -Sure, it may cause some stress to the plant. -Sure, it will have an impact on total yield. -Sure, the under developed buds will not be as potent as more mature... Duh. However, the simple fact is that many, many casual growers...
  11. gman101

    socal first grow plz help pics

    Hard to tell how long, but It's weeks for sure. I'm also in SoCal, and others may disagree with this but I think it is virtually impossible to over water a potted plant here. As you know it has been way hot and dry, and I have been watering my plants at least 2 times a day and they are in 15 gal...
  12. gman101

    leaf problem!

    Not an expert, but it has a chemical vs biologic look to me (nute deficiency, ph etc rather than fungus, bugs, etc) but is hard to really give an opinion without an overall pic indicating the base health, size of the plant, amount of leaf damage etc. Also look in the stickies on the sick plant...
  13. gman101

    outdoor plants not flowering?!!?

    Wow, you're pretty far north not to be showing yet cause the days are getting shorter pretty quickly now, but all strains, plants even, are different. I'm sure they will show soon, and being in SoCal I have no idea about cold weather stuff... lol Good luck.
  14. gman101

    Qp possible?

    I think if you are able to safely get them to maturity, you'll get your 4 oz from the one larger plant. Here's why I think so... The plant in the pics was in a 5 gal pot, and I 'black boxed' it early this year for an earlier harvest. It didn't fully mature (it was a pain to 'black box'), but...
  15. gman101


    Grasshoppers, don't eat my plants! Well, this one won't eat anymore... Damn bugs.