Recent content by glShemp

  1. glShemp


    Don't put the blotter under the tongue because any that mixes with saliva and goes into the stomach is wasted. You want to put it between cheek and gum up high and away from the spit. Also take a tooth brush and clean the mucus membrane gently before applying the blotter to increase...
  2. glShemp


    It's fun if safely administered on a blotter prepared by someone who knows how to get sub milligram doses measured accurately. In powder or liquid form it can kill you in as little as 10 milligrams. Please read this...
  3. glShemp

    Should I keep tinfoil on my jars?

    Correct. You need to leave the holes open for the jars to "breath". Correct term is gas exchange.
  4. glShemp

    Please help me identify the RC i took.

    In the name of harm prevention some more horror stories. There's a lot of this NBOMe stuff floating around because it seems to be easy for the Chinese labs to make and the stuff is so incredibly powerful - 2000 doses to a gram - it's highly profitable. In a low dose it's a fun trip. In...
  5. glShemp

    Please help me identify the RC i took.

    Was it a really tiny amount of powder, like just a spec? Then probably a NBOMe because a dose is about ½ of a milligram. Did you read my thread about the dude at a festival in Louisiana who let a stranger dose him with 25I-NBOMe and he died? 500µ of NBOMe looks like a spec of dust. 10mg of a...
  6. glShemp

    Please help me identify the RC i took.

    Snort first and ask questions later? You're braver than you know. You cannot OD from LSD or Shrooms. It's impossible. But it's very possible to OD from RCs. Some horror stories:
  7. glShemp

    How to prepare for a big ol mushroom dose?

    Just because shrooms come from nature and not a Chinese RC lab doesn't mean a strong dose can't be rough. If you think too hard you will think about things you may not want to think about. Best advice if that happens is tell yourself to turn off the top part of your brain and turn off the...
  8. glShemp

    Best method for beginners, opinions on shroom growing teks

    There are more experienced growers here than me that will tell you casing is the way to go because you'll get so much more harvest.. But for beginners, BRF is the easiest. Go to YouTube and search "lets grow mushrooms" and watch that a few times. Except for the sterile procedures part, it's...
  9. glShemp

    Need some advice (LSD)

    First make sure you are mentally stable. No schizophrenia, bi-polar, major depression or such in you ore your immediate family. Second, it'a all about the set and setting. You want to come in with the right frame of mind and have a safe and...
  10. glShemp

    Found a bunch of old shrooms. are they good?

    If you are just asking about the age of your shooms of known origin, then the age of them is not a problem. Do you know where these came from? Is there any chance they are wild picked? These are literally life and death questions.
  11. glShemp

    salvia divinorum

    The stuff is very difficult to cultivate from seeds. Where it's traditionally grown in Mexico it's cultivated from cuttings.
  12. glShemp

    N,N-DMT vs. 5-MeO-DMT

    I have significant experience with 5-MeO-DMT but DMT is still on my list of things to do before I croak. 5-MeO-DMT takes a much lower dose so it's more potent than DMT. I guess you could subjectively say that the DMT experience is more powerful if that is your opinion. The 5-MeO-DMT...
  13. glShemp

    Story time for the old farts

    I did four hits of Orange Sunshine in the 70s. Nick Sand, the chemist who supposedly made Orange Sunshine says the DEA told him that every hit of Orange Sunshine they ever measured was exactly 300*µ. Not 299µ or 301µ. Exactly 300. Whatever. If that's true I did 1.2 milligram which would be...
  14. glShemp

    The results of "hey, I found this mushroom in my back yard..... is it a 'shroom'?

    Steve Jobs never actually explained what caused him to lose his liver and he always got testy - very testy - when anyone asked him about it. We all know Mr. Jobs did psychedelics, so I think improperly identified wild mushrooms is the most likely explanation for how he lost his liver.
  15. glShemp

    About to go crazy

    Discussing vendors in public attracts the attention of law enforcement which is bad for everyone. Please don't do that.