Recent content by ganjash

  1. ganjash


    What should I use ? can I change nutrients ?
  2. ganjash


    Around 75 F humidity is usually at 48-50% and would I dilute the lemon juice ?
  3. ganjash


    So you think it is beacuse my soil is low in nitrogen ? I used it before and never had any problems with it :s I was also told at my hydroponic store that I would use it in both cycles :s and I checked my soil and I have a ph between 7 and 8 do you know how I could bring it down ?
  4. ganjash


    Also I am thinking off putting them outside for a few days and floewering the when they are in good shape again any opinions ?
  5. ganjash


    This is my 3rd indoor grow i am using a 1000 watt hps light and bcuzz bloom fertilizer I am in the veg stage and my leave are turning funky colors can somone tell me whats up and how to fix my problem (leaves are a strange yellow color on some plants ithers they have little white dots im also...
  6. ganjash

    First time grower leaves dying on my plnat. Pictures included

    I was growing my plant for rougly 3 weeks and four days from seed (germination) I did mess up my light cycle a few times and changed it from 24 hrs to 21 and 3 then 20 and 4 which I am still using now. two days ago I noticed some of my bottom leaves going bad. could you tell me whats wrong with...