Recent content by frizzleman

  1. frizzleman

    New to the site had a quick question

    A lot of the time (in my experience) they will pre sex around week 4-5. I would say to go 18-6 light cycle not 24 hour, that may be the problem.
  2. frizzleman

    Prolific Plant Probiotic (Cannabis Test)

    Subbed, interested in seeing how this goes
  3. frizzleman

    Yellowing in new growth, can't figure out what it is. Anyone?

    What you should do is run some PH adjusted nute solution through the medium, gather the water that is running out of the bottom of the bucket/container. Test the runoff for PH and for PPM and I think that will give you the answer. Plants absorb nutes at different levels so I would assume that...
  4. frizzleman

    Cutting Edge Soultions

    I use GH Flora and I add some root stims and keep CalMag handy just in case. I understand where you are coming form asking this question as I asked myself the same thing when I wanted to switch over to Advanced Nutes my last grow. You have to take into consideration that you are going to have no...
  5. frizzleman

    Which ballast should I get?

    Dude, I just bought a Phantom, shit is the best ballast I have ever had and I have had a lot of them! They are completely self contained, no fan for cooling so one less thing to worry about fucking up. I have read a ton about them before I bought one and never found a person that complained. The...
  6. frizzleman

    Week 3 of Flowering and Fan leaves are drooping and dying off, help?

    Def remove the plant on the left. It looks terrible. I would say its probably just bad genetics because this seems like its either a root issue or overwatering. Yes I know that its a hydro garden, but I have seen this many times before.
  7. frizzleman

    Very new, need some help or advice if possible :'(

    It does not look like over watering to me. It looks like the medium you are using is probably the issue. You should use either a really nice soil mixture or a hempy style grow (Hempy is 3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite). You want the medium to hold on to a little bit of the water for the...
  8. frizzleman

    Can I Pluck A Bud Early?

    I literally do it every time. I would say to wait until you are like 2 weeks away from harvest. Its a good way to see how your babies are coming along and a good indication of what you will get when you are all finished. Let us know how it goes!
  9. frizzleman

    CO2 Question

    How much yield does it actually increase? I have never used it before but have been wondering about it for a long time now.
  10. frizzleman

    Busted please help

    very sorry to hear this shit man. You need to get a good lawyer asap. Dont post anything else on this forum, get legal advise right away.
  11. frizzleman

    Blue Mistic from Royal Queen Seeds???

    I have always had horrible experiences with Nirvana and have tried them multiple times. It was when I first started though so it may have been noob errors.
  12. frizzleman

    Frizzleman BIG Closet Grow 800W Critical Jack Herer and Big Buddha Cheese

    Hey everybody, So I FINALLY got my seeds in. The damn USPS sucks so much ass. I noticed that nobody has commented on my log, what the crap? Leave me some messages people! Anyway I had the package stealth shipped to my place. I would love to post pics of what it looks like but that may ruin it...
  13. frizzleman

    Frizzleman BIG Closet Grow 800W Critical Jack Herer and Big Buddha Cheese

    Hey guys, I finished my room (for the most part) I still need to get a new carbon filter which I will be ordering in the next few days. I attached a few pictures along with a video that shows the whole room and shows the box fan that I built to insulate the 180 centrifugal fan that I own. I...
  14. frizzleman

    Frizzleman BIG Closet Grow 800W Critical Jack Herer and Big Buddha Cheese

    Hey Guys! I am new around these parts and wanted to share with you my grow journal. I have a pretty large closet that I am in the process of converting into a grow room. See pics below. If anybody has any input at all please feel free to comment. So here is the run down of what I am working...