Recent content by fenix00

  1. F

    A bathroom as a drying room...?

    you will get busted by the cops, there are 2 (1 undercover detective) living within 0.5 miles from your home. Sorry for the bad news.
  2. F

    drying question?!?!?

    i was forced to harvest an outdoor plant early, so the buds are not dence or thick at all...I had them hanging in front of an AC fan for three days and they seemed dry so i put them in jars tonight, because i did not want them to overdry....I know they are supose to take seven days to dry, but i...
  3. F

    marijuana and fruits

    thats like asking if you can crossbreed a human with a dog
  4. F

    plant going belly up help (pics)

    I have 3 plants which have been flowering for about 5 weeks. Because of there location, not much direct sunlight gets to them over the course of the day. Althogh 2 of the plants are still very green and healthy, one of them looks like shit. I cut most of the fan leaves off of it because they...
  5. F

    harvest question with pics

    well, i have 3 plants growing near a swamp...they have been flowering for about 4.5-5 weeks now, the buds are still pretty damn small, but some of the hairs are turning an almost burgandy color as you can see. The problem is that the spot where they are, they do not recieve a lot of sunlight...
  6. F

    Indica or Stativa?

    Does Anybody know if my plants are indica or stativa? Stativa take longer to flower right? They have been flowering for about 5 weeks now and the buds are not very big at all, some of the calyx hairs are turning a reddish color (mostly on tips) how much longer should i let these girls go for?
  7. F


    i am confused, what is the difference between trichomes and calyx hairs?