Recent content by EnjoyIt

  1. E

    Mites on my buds that are drying....

    Ok, thx! The alcohol wont find its way to the buds after I hang it back up will it? I dont want some alcohol smelling/tasting buds.
  2. E

    Mites on my buds that are drying....

    So now that my buds have been drying overnight I am now seeing mites crawling around on the ends of a few stems. What can I do to get rid of these damn things before they ruin my stuff??!!?
  3. E

    Whats the best scope to check the resin trichromes for if they are ready to harvest?

    I just bought a brand new 1 off ebay for 10 bucks shipped. Cant wait to test it. That picture looks amazing for the cost!
  4. E

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Heres 2 more plants for ya. Im thinking about a week. What do you think? BT: PG: Thanks again!!
  5. E

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I was thinking the same. Gonna try the 72 hrs of dark and cut it then. Im gonna have 2 more plants for you to check out in prob a week also :) Thanks for the help!!
  6. E

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do ya think? Around 8 weeks into flowering. Same plant.
  7. E

    Severe nute burn should I harvest at 3 weeks into flowering? pics included

    First of all let me say this is EnjoyIt's wife so I really need help AS I'M NOT THE ONE WHO USUALLY CARES FOR THESE PLANTS. And forgive me if this post is on here twice wrote this all before attached pics then accidentally hit back on my browser. So he has a previous post on this called "Will...
  8. E

    Should I harvest these buds at only 3 weeks flowering? Help please! pics included

    Ok so first let me say this is EnjoyIt's wife so I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP AS I'M NOT THE ONE THAT USUALLY CARES FOR THESE PLANTS. I've killed any plant I've ever owned including cacti! Please help me!! These plants have suffered some serious nute burn. He had a previous post on this a few days...
  9. E

    Will this turn to bud rot?

    Yeah this particular strain doesnt enjoy the high temps with straight sun. My other 4 are doing fine.
  10. E

    Will this turn to bud rot?

    This seems to make the most since. I went ahead and flushed it with 10gals of water. I ran 1 gal of water through my other plants even though they didnt appear to show signs of stress yet. Guess I'll have to start back with 1/4 strenght nutes when they dry out.
  11. E

    Will this turn to bud rot?

    No its def heat burn. 2nd time this plant has fried in the sun. The 1st time was about 6 weeks ago when temps outside hit 100+ for 10 days, so I had to put some netting over it. Now the temps are high 80s to mid 90's and I didnt put up the netting, but apparently the mid 90's was to hot for this...
  12. E

    Will this turn to bud rot?

    So my plant got fried by the sun 2 days ago and its not gettin any better. These are all outdoor plants. Have been since they were clones. Im 14 days into flowering and I just started to move the pots around the yard so they would get more sun. Well this Wild Berry does not enjoy the high temps...
  13. E

    please check this out....

    ph probs can come from using tap water, or any water source for the most part. The fact that it smells like sulfur could be the main problem. Any ideas whats in that water?
  14. E

    please check this out....

    You could also force flower an outdoor plant if your worried about not having any stuff for a while. I used to cover mine up with a trashcan untill it got dark, then uncovered them, or you could bring them indoors. Im now bringing them indoors and doing the 14hrs of dark to try and speed up the...
  15. E

    please check this out....

    Looks like it got a little overfed, but the sun definitely owned her. When I took my clones outdoors for the first time I put them in shade for a day. Then the next 3 days I put them in an area that had broken sun for about 4 hours, then the rest shade. Then I let them experience straight sun...