Recent content by Edwardio

  1. Edwardio

    Well i am now the proud owner of the last batch/entire seed stock of Kaliman Seeds

    wow I always wondered what happened to Kaliman.. I was growing out cheese#1 for years imo the best cheese on the market at the time.. sadly for years I haven't been able to source any more of those beans until I read this post recently... what's the latest with these beans ?
  2. Edwardio

    BSB Genetics

    Hi folks, anyone grown any strains from BSB Genetics..award winning uk based outfit....i got me a few of their strains on the go and i'm very some GG4 BB3 and the like...smells great and cant wait..
  3. Edwardio

    Uk seeds

    BSB Genetics for me
  4. Edwardio

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    hi folks any thoughts on Lumatek Zeus 600w ?
  5. Edwardio

    Plants ready for harvest?

    Hi mate, got me some BSB genetics on the go...real excited for this was grow in the end ?...what was the quality like ? etc etc would you recommend BSB?
  6. Edwardio

    What’s your favorite nutrient line?

    Canna all day everyday...coco range except Rhizotonic, i use H&G root xcel instead