Recent content by DrKockers

  1. DrKockers


    Is it necessary to use an HPS for flowering, or can I flower under a 42w CFL? I don't have room, or money to buy an HPS or a ballast.
  2. DrKockers

    Light uses

    Is it necessary to use an HPS for flowering, or can I flower under a 42w CFL? I don't have room, or money to buy an HPS or a ballast.
  3. DrKockers

    Help!!! Reply to this asap!!!

    Is it necessary to use an HPS for flowering, or can I flower under a 42w CFL? I don't have room, or money to buy an HPS or a ballast.
  4. DrKockers

    My plant is dying. please help me out!

    Is it necessary to use an HPS for flowering, or can I flower under a 42w CFL? I don't have room, or money to buy an HPS or a ballast.
  5. DrKockers

    Truncating, can someone please help me out with this?

    I don't have any ph equipment. She's about 3 weeks old. And she has 5 leaves fixing to shoot her second pair. I water only when dry.
  6. DrKockers

    Truncating, can someone please help me out with this?

    When should I be giving my baby nutrients too? The soil has them already, but when do I start giving her BIG girl nutrients? She looks a little yellow, is it a good call to go ahead and feed her?
  7. DrKockers

    My plant is dying. please help me out!

    Well boys and girls, I think this is the end for my little lady. I tried, earlier tonight, to inspect her roots, making sure they still look healthy, but I dropped it and it sounded like her roots ripped in half. Is this it for her? Is she going to die now?
  8. DrKockers

    Truncating, can someone please help me out with this?

    Is that so? Funny thing, I'm actually subscribed to that forum, I just haven't attempted to grow one in a shot glass myself. You see, I'm running low on money, so, I found some red cups lying around. Thats what my little girl is growing in. Perhaps she will get root bound and grow short as...
  9. DrKockers

    Truncating, can someone please help me out with this?

    I've heard this thing, that you can truncate your plant and keep it in a small container just to keep her short. What I need is A.) to confirm if this is true or not. And B.) If it is true, please explain to me how its done.
  10. DrKockers

    Light uses

    I'm trying to convert this old freezer of mine into a grow box. Not that hard, really, but I had one question in mind. 400w HPS in an outlet socket adapter, does that scream "Accident waiting to happen"?
  11. DrKockers

    Help!!! Reply to this asap!!!

    I just looked at my lamp, and that, sir, is the problem. My lightbulb blew for that exact reason. Good thing is, I have a receipt to return it. And those adapters aren't expensive at all, Thats a plus.
  12. DrKockers

    Help!!! Reply to this asap!!!

    Damittttt I bet you anything that was EXACTLY what it was. So then, that leads to my OTHER question; Are any of you familiar with the outlet socket adaptors? And if so, can I use a 28w+ on one of those?
  13. DrKockers

    Help!!! Reply to this asap!!!

    Thanks, all of you. I had some hope that I could do something else to make this same lightbulb work =/ But I suppose not. Well then, I'm off to Lowes and then Pluckers to eat away my misery. :mrgreen:
  14. DrKockers

    Help!!! Reply to this asap!!!

    Its a 28w CFL, yes. But I just have it screwed into a normal plug in lamp. Which, is plugged into a timer in a wall. But that is it. Am I doomed to purchase another? btw, it is a Sylvania. I mean, its not THAT many watts, all I'm doing is trying to get my baby to grow a little taller before I...
  15. DrKockers

    Help!!! Reply to this asap!!!

    WHAT SHOULD I DO???? I JUST bought this the other day!!! Do I have to get a new one??