Recent content by DiscoBaby

  1. DiscoBaby

    First grow - burnt seedlind?

    At first they were streching too much because the light was too far, now it's too close. So I'm guesing if I put it in the middle between were it was first and now it will be alright?
  2. DiscoBaby

    First grow - burnt seedlind?

    How much more in inches or centimetres, thanks for the reply.
  3. DiscoBaby

    First grow - burnt seedlind?

    Hello guys I'm on the 14th day of my seedling and just a few minutes ago I went to check on it looks a bit burnt. It's a feminine white widow, was growing on 18-6 but I changed to 24-24 because of work on a 600w LED with around one palm(20 cm) and half distance from my seedling. Used only...