Recent content by devthedude

  1. devthedude

    Outdoor images

    MMMMmmm frosty :D Nice plants man, bet you cant wait till harvest!
  2. devthedude

    apparently it's suposed to rain almost all week need advice

    Try your best to keep rain off it and you should be good. A day of rain wont hurt just make sure its ventilated the next day and following day.
  3. devthedude

    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??

    High humidity and rain will cause bud rot. If it rains more than 2 days, very high chance rot will form depending on how much bud has grown so far.
  4. devthedude

    what happend!!!!!

    Your choice, most likely the longer you wait the more seeds will develop. If your plant hermied it would have balls also. I would be wondering where the pollen came from if it doesent.
  5. devthedude

    Day 24 Veg

    Looking good. Dropping when lights are off is completely normal. I would be prepared to switch to 12/12 soon. Looks like I grow in same size pots and have learned the hard way I cant veg very large plants hoping my flowering stage will go good.
  6. devthedude

    what happend!!!!!

    Its hard to tell because pics are blurry but I think you are getting confused with the calxys. They grow everywhere! and possibly do turn into seed pods if pollen is present.
  7. devthedude

    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??

    Not much you can do, all lose.
  8. devthedude

    Colas keep stretching on my NL-BB plants

    Its hard to say but it might be stretching, called foxtalling from a result of to much heat. Or, it didn't get enough nutrients at some point of time in the grow. I have had a few grows like this and it was result of to much heat. Bump up the nutes before its to late.
  9. devthedude

    Plants not uptaking water.

    I don't grow much in pots, only for clones and outdoors but I'm sure you could poke holes into your pot, if possible, and that will increase airflow & evaporation in the medium. Don't go overboard with it though.
  10. devthedude

    Small Plant in Veg

    2 gallon is large enough for its whole life span.
  11. devthedude

    Plants not uptaking water.

    Make sure you have proper ventilation and adequate air turbulence. More air movement will increase evaporation from medium but can decrease humidity in grow room.
  12. devthedude

    Indecisive about starting flush

    My opinion would be to start flushing in a week maybe longer, hopefully you can get more bulkage in the buds before the flush.
  13. devthedude

    Small Plant in Veg

    If the pot was taller it would be fine for a while longer, but needs to be in a more suitable pot and should be transplanted.
  14. devthedude

    help with setting up a room????

    get a grow tent and start from there.