Recent content by Destroy The Autobots

  1. Destroy The Autobots


    I downloaded Jeorge and See More Buds. Good videos to start out with! Also reading Ed Rosenthals and Jeorges book Helped.
  2. Destroy The Autobots

    ideal system for 3 plants?

    Have you ever heard of Hempy Buckets. They look to easy and hard to mess up.
  3. Destroy The Autobots


    That he is..... Google is your best friend when it comes to shit like this!!
  4. Destroy The Autobots


    gfreeman lol.....To many factors to really have any expectations. Lights, Nutrients, CO2, Air Circulation, Temp, Humidity.
  5. Destroy The Autobots

    True HP Aero For 2011

    r0m30 have you considered stacking the 5 Gal buckets to create a deeper chamber? That's what I plan on having for root chambers when I am finally able to build my Cab and HPA.
  6. Destroy The Autobots

    Building a HP Aeroponic Setup

    How do you charge the accumulator? Does the pump do it while filling it with the Nutrients?
  7. Destroy The Autobots

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Just wondering if you were going to do a step by step (with Pics) build of your system?