Recent content by demons19420

  1. D

    I think my seedling just died... what do you think?

    they look fine to me for the most part id give them a little bit before giving up em
  2. D

    what are the signs that my plant is going to spout through the soil

    i wouldn't worry it takes a min to sprout eventually you will see the seed starting to pop out of the dirt or whatever you have it in
  3. D

    hello world

    whats up, welcome
  4. D

    help: light on or off before they sprout

    I started my light schedule at 18/6 as soon as they were germinated and put in soil they seem to be doing just fine
  5. D

    I've taken 1.7 g of shrooms. It was Amazing. double that? triple that?

    ive ate 4 grams and took 5 hits of acid my first time lol it was awesome except I got lost in the woods for a long time....... if u are not comfortable with uping the dosage I wouldn't till u r ready bad thoughts equal bad trips atleast that's what I think
  6. D

    your thoghts on complete detox

    very true Kart0oN lol but clear water piss is better then dirty piss a negative is a negative any way someone looks at it even if its a PO officer
  7. D

    your thoghts on complete detox

    ive been on probation for 5 years and smoke everyday ive tried everything from niacin to store bought detox pills and never passed a test for my probation officer with them the best trick I found to get clean is to slam water like its never going to be around again to flush and dilute the test...
  8. D

    Prepping for a party

    id go for the oz but would bring a couple blunts with if u plan to smoke all ur friends out :joint:
  9. D

    They are not Germinating..

    i used the cup of water for my seeds it took almost 3 days and i could barely see the tap root i planted them and after another 2 days or so they started to sprout just dont plant to deep or you might end up digging around like i did
  10. D

    Lets talk about the war on drugs..

    the war on drugs will never end it makes the government way to much money if u think about it once a person gets popped look at the huge fines they have to pay from personal experience i had to pay almost 4 grand for just having 2 ounces in my possesion wich i think is rediculous. look at the...
  11. D

    New to this,

    im new to this to so im not sure whats going on with ur sprout but to upload a pic jus go to the quick reply on ur thread at the bottom and click on the little picture frame 3 boxes in from the abc check and upload from your comp hope this helps
  12. D

    new grower

    thanks for the help
  13. D

    new grower

    thank you i will do that to the ones that havnt sprouted yet but there was a few that had under the soil because i planted to deep will those ones be fine after the disturbence also and should i crumble dirt on top of those ones to?
  14. D

    new grower

    i have a couple of seeds that sprouted and i got conserned when the rest didnt so i started to dig around the soil and came across sprouts that didnt make it to the top of the soil yet will they still be ok or did i mess up and kill them? i didnt pull them out of the soil just poked them a...