Recent content by Danno413

  1. D

    The hippies grow

    Yo you can end it for all i care. That first pic is not cannabis. The secound pic is all tiny. Get sum better pics.
  2. D

    Blackberry & Banana Clone to Flower (Flower 3 Weeks)

    wow i luv your setup.Great journal.those plants are major!GL and happy growing
  3. D

    First grow, any advice?

    24/12 whats that? isnt it 12/12 or 24/0 or 18/6....? But yeah this is a great forum I luv it.
  4. D

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    lol Grownig Passion 420 . I think you gotta start over . Those plants are so stringgy. 35 days and thats it? Your better off starting off new and putting the lights closer on your new batch. Good Luck on the next grow. Peace
  5. D

    my buds are purple. how do they look? (pics)

    wow looks like sumthing outta magazine...{drool}
  6. D

    Holy Shit! Can It Be?!

    "trust me the day its legalized i will be the first to stick a budded branch up my ass and run down the street naked hootin and hollerin" -pandabear- LOL after you did that it would go right back to being illegal again.
  7. D

    6 weeks of flowering, still no trichromes...WTF?

    patience young sky walker ..patience
  8. D

    CFL question

    Is HPS better than Metal Halide?
  9. D

    HPS or Metal Halide ??

    greetings and peace be upon all. Hi friends . I just have a question about grow light kits. WHich one is better HPS kits or Metal halide kits? what are some of the pros and cons? And also what about HID lamps with both red and blue spectrum for the complete grow cycles? has anyone ever used...
  10. D

    HPS in a metal halid Ballast??

    Thanks SunnyD I get it now. I need a metal halide conversion bulb that produces in the red spectrume. COOL! Thanks again
  11. D

    HPS in a metal halid Ballast??

    hi guys , I just bought a 400wmetal halid light kit which includes a ballast , a bat wing reflector and a metal halid lamp. The ballast has a sticker on it that says " Metal Halid Ballast" now my deal is..can I buy a HPS lamp and use it in my kit, becuase I just assumed HID systems were...
  12. D

    Horrible Site To Order From!!

    Hi gro guys and gals. I apologize if this isnt the thread for this,but i see that there are some knowlegable peeps in here. anyways. I bought a 400w ballast kit with the bat wings reflector. It comes with a metal halid lamp. and on the ballast its labeled as a metal halid ballast. Im...
  13. D

    My P.C Stealth Grow Box

    wow thats the best darn phone camera pics Ive ever seen! your little plant looks very healthy. HOw old is it? Peace