Recent content by [D]ark[L]eaf

  1. D

    Co2 question?

    yeah they need the light to asorbe it and are those cfl's i see in your picture
  2. D

    T12 tubes and CFL's VEG

    so i got a new two bulb 4 foot T12 30watt 2200 lum each i was wondering what it would do if i put higher wat tubes in would it burn out the ballast? so far its doing grate with a mother and a clone from onther mother happpy growing :leaf:
  3. D

    150 - 200 watt HPS

    i dont pay for my power, so thats not a problem and i have done my homework when i bud im going to have it on a 4-4 hour light on and off and it will cost a lil over 7.50$ to run a day.
  4. D

    150 - 200 watt HPS

    what theft. so i thought about snaging a light to save some bucks. i didnt end up taking the light i went on craigs list and found a MH used in a grow with a new bulb and the hole set up for thirty bucks.
  5. D

    200 watt MH ?

    oh so im buying a 200W MH like the ones that are in most canadian tire stores that they use for lighting them selfs, what im wondering is how far away from my plants should i have it and how many plants can i have under it for a nother few weeks of veg then budding ? :leaf::leaf:
  6. D

    150 - 200 watt HPS

    and the light has a ballast built into the lighting housing, but iv boughten a 200watt MH
  7. D

    150 - 200 watt HPS

    i just said i found one for cheap, what about that dont you get , so what if its on a clossed school, its closed, and i live on my own fag, shits not cheap hence the point of me wanting to take one,
  8. D

    150 - 200 watt HPS

    not much money i found a 200 watt MH light for thirty bucks
  9. D

    150 - 200 watt HPS

    k so iv been looking at this light right sounds alright to me right. but heres the catch this light happens to be on a side of this wall, ya i want to take this light off of its wall when its not on and place it in my house would this be good to bud two 2 foot plants and a smaller half foot...
  10. D

    Help me find a fan

    wall mart...
  11. D

    i want to stretch my plants a lilttle???

    all together with my cfls there about 150-200 watts ill upload a pic soon to show you guys what i mean and what im after
  12. D

    Cheap seeds in BC or trading sites?

    near van ? theres tons of seed shops there, if not iv never tryed them but i hear nirvana seed bank is good
  13. D

    i want to stretch my plants a lilttle???

    lol you guys got it all wrong in my closet there just shelfs the shelve above the lights for the bigger plants is where my clones are with the 35 watt tube, the plants them selfs have a ton of CFL's i only want to streach is a few inches my nodes are really close together and the steams are...
  14. D

    Post your Mutant Pictures

    i got this wired strain stemps are a dark and light purple the mother plant had 9-12 fingerd leafs and every clone i cut off has just sets of three with the middle one being 3 6 incks and the two side ones only about an inch or two ill load up some pics later!!