Recent content by core1129

  1. C


    from what i gather, i can put some opium or sensimilla in high vol alcohol ( absinthe for me) let sit for a week and have a nice toxic drink, have any of ya'll done this? u was thinkin' this would be the place to ask these kinds of questions, really just interested in getting high lol. much love.
  2. C


    I've read up on how to make cannabis tinctures and laudanum, have any of you tried this? I'd just like to know. P.S- i'm stoned.
  3. C

    fear and loathing...

    funny, i've been here for awhile watching you guys talk about a lot of shit and learning a lot of things and that was the one thing that came to mind that no one ever really answered for me lol. you guys are so kind, i love stoners
  4. C

    fear and loathing...

    oh ok, that makes sense now. like i've read the book several times and that scene in the movie always made me wonder. thank god i wasn't stupid enough to try and smoke a lightbulb lol. so yeah thanks for clearing that up.
  5. C

    fear and loathing...

    guess nobody knows what im talking about... oh well.
  6. C

    fear and loathing...

    I always wondered about when Johnny Depp takes a rip out of what appears to be a light bulb in the jefferson airplane scene in the movie... anyone?
  7. C


    it doesn't exist.
  8. C

    The boys are back in town!

    Ahhhhhhhhhh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. C

    Where can i purchase the REAL Absinthe in the USA or Internationally?

    I love most drugs but am an alcoholic by trade, and absinthe is the greatest thing i have ever had. it doesn't make you "trip" but you get an enhanced inhebriation from it, like a euphoric enlightenment. i have read however that as you drink more of it over a long period of time you will begin...
  10. C

    Punk Song of the Day
  11. C

    Eating Veal And Lamb?

    yes. bc i am a human being and they are delicious animals.
  12. C

    suboxone value

    yeah i took half a orange, heavily under the influence and blacked out and trashed a gas station at 3 in the morning demanding beer. sick as a dog the next day, never again.