Recent content by ChronicToast

  1. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Final turnout of my hash, decided to crumble it to dry it faster. Gona just smoke it like this with some tobacco and weed in the bong. So far my circle likes it, I'm bout to get my hit now-- all of the circle keeps giving me feedback as I type this, all good feedback. I did notice everyone...
  2. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    here's the last batch I made while its still drying. I'll snap a couple more once its formed.
  3. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Well after much researching and thought, I decided I will hold off on my hash adventures for now. I am much too broke and without a job for a long time from now, and don't even have that great of product currently to even make hash that's worth sharing. I will be posting the pictures of my last...
  4. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Haha, no worries man, it helps to get any advice at all. Knowledge is power! Lol anyways, I'll look into that as well though, as it does seen relatively inexpensive. Hopefully I wont be so unfortunate with my financial situation in the near future and I can just order or go out and buy all these...
  5. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Thank you all for the advice and suggestions, keep 'em coming! ^_^
  6. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Well, for right now, I'm in no position to go out and buy anything, so I was wondering if I could improve my "homemade" way with stuff lying around the house or cheap enough for me to only have to save up (mind you, I don't get money that often) and buy an inexpensive material or tool to improve...
  7. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    I think I will go with the 4 bag for now and upgrade later like you said. As for the dab question, I don't have a dab piece yet, and don't think I'll be able to get one for a while (not in a house I feel safe having one, and I don't necessarily live here either, etc..) so for now I'm just...
  8. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    @Yodaweed Hmm I'll have to look into that. Anyways I just got done looking up prices on bubble bags an the one that seems most affordable (well affordable to me, meaning the most reasonable amount of money that I can obtain in a shorter amount of time) was the original 5 gallon 4 bag set with...
  9. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Hmm, I'd think the washing machine would agitate it too much. But as I said, no job as of right now, which means I don't have any income except when I occasionally do some yard work for my grandparents, but I only get 20$ at a time from that. But thanks for the suggestion! ^_^ I think I might...
  10. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Thanks again, I'll definitely have more questions later on. And I don't think I have seen those. Mind sending me the links? Also, for right now, I don't have a job just yet, so I'm gona have to stick with this low budget method til then. I wont be making too much since I don't have all the...
  11. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Thanks for the info and advice! Much appreciated
  12. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    . I basically do what this guide says: except I use a metal strainer, I don't have a reusable coffee filter or a metal one, so I just use paper coffee filters, and I do the mixing process in a...
  13. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Thanks man! Any support is appreciated. Some constructive criticism would be helpful too, but that'll come later probably as this is a new post and I haven't really explained my method yet. I'd rather show it all in video though, as I'm already working on one. Whippin up the next batch as we speak!
  14. ChronicToast

    Here's my hash journal I started bout to start...

    Here's my hash journal I started bout to start on the other batch now! :D
  15. ChronicToast

    My Hash Journal

    Hey everyone! Just here to share my first experiences of making hash. I might even post a video of how I do it all at the end, we'll have to wait and see. For now I'll he showing you my first turnout from using the ice wash method and some other techniques I read in a guide on here by a user...