Recent content by chenzo

  1. C

    What is happening to my plat please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and what is the yellow coloring for?
  2. C

    What is happening to my plat please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok i am a first time grower and i would be able to get a lamp at like a pet shop right. and where would i get fertilizer thanks for your help
  3. C

    What is happening to my plat please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my plant is 17 days old i don't give it any nutes and it has a desk lamp on it and the temp with it on is between 75-80 and is between 67-71 when it is off and in the morning it was fine and i just looked and the litttle leafs turned yellow.
  4. C

    Why are my plants drooping?

    do you have any pics
  5. C

    Is This Good?????

    My plants stretched for the light and started to fall over so i re-burried them and do you think they will make it????
  6. C

    Will my plant make it

    ok and when do you think the first cannabian leaf will form just wondering
  7. C

    Will my plant make it

    my plant is 14 days old and is about 8 inches but it streched for the light so i re-planted it into a bigger pot and i think it will be fine but i am not sure.
  8. C

    First Cannabian leaf

    i have a 14 day old seedling and it is 9 inches and it has little leafs but i am wondering when the first big leaf or a cannabian leaf is going to happen.
  9. C

    How long should it take for a plant to grow fully.

    ok thanks and how big should it be before going into flowering.
  10. C

    how to start

    i am a first time grower and i have a 11 inches plant that is growing now but for the future can someone tell me how long should i germinate the seed and what i did was put it in to a plastic cup and then into a big pot but how long should i keep the seed in the small cup and when should i move...
  11. C

    How long should it take for a plant to grow fully.

    just wondering first time grower how long should a unknown seed take to grow it is already 8 inches and is 12 days old but stretched for the light but it was time for it to go into a bigger pot and i kind of like re-burried it to support it and it is 3 inches off the ground so it can stand up on...
  12. C

    Plant falling over

    i do have a fan on it now and yea this is after re-burying it
  13. C

    Plant falling over

    i put it down deep in the soil to make it stand up and put a support too just incase and it is about 3 inches now
  14. C

    Plant falling over

    my plant is falliing over it is 11 days old and 7 inches and i just moved it into a bigger pot and i put to plant down deep and filled it in with soil so it would stay up is that bad?