Recent content by cbtbudz

  1. cbtbudz

    Bako's Garden

    Hey Bakersfield. Are you in bako? I am
  2. cbtbudz

    humbleness greenhouse

    @BobBitchen hey how did the fb x lc come out? Mines getting close.
  3. cbtbudz


    Have you tried spraying the plants down with water. The strongest force you can use with damaging the plants. Every 2-3 days for 2 weeks then some neem or whatever your preventative spray of choice is. Works in veg and early flower.
  4. cbtbudz

    Heavyweight Strawberry Cheesecake??

    I know thats a different breeder and way different genetics. I was just giving a option if you want to really try something that taste and smells like cheesecake, they have strawberry cheesecake and cherry cheesecake also. Its something I have grown and tried myself.
  5. cbtbudz

    Heavyweight Strawberry Cheesecake??

    Check out mad scientist genetics. They have cheesecake, a lot of crosses using cheesecake. And it really does smell and taste like cheesecake.
  6. cbtbudz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Cherry pie sunset sherbetC99 x Neville haze
  7. cbtbudz

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    108/81 today been over 100 for more than 10 days, and still about 5 more days for this heatwave. Then we probably dip to 98 then back on up we go.
  8. cbtbudz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Double Haze and a cheese glue.
  9. cbtbudz

    Pollen porn!

    Got a little jar full of Platinum bubba breath pollen that I plan on using in a monthor two
  10. cbtbudz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    I had something similar this year and ot ended up being these tiny little catipiller.
  11. cbtbudz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Cheese glue looking nice.
  12. cbtbudz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Its growing so fast 0% contained. Many good people out there
  13. cbtbudz


    Keep them watered! Its hot where I am about 102f average this week. Luckily we haven't gotten the 120+ some places are getting this year.
  14. cbtbudz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    What tws said!
  15. cbtbudz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    that's just wrong!