Recent content by cant get enough

  1. cant get enough

    How to know when to start flushing

    im at that stage at the moment, been in 12/12 for 10-11 weeks and flowering around 9 weeks. my plan was to giv them 10 more days but looked last night and tri`s were clear, iv been flushing 4 days. im goin to continue flushing and see how they are at that time. iv been waiting on tri`s before...
  2. cant get enough

    First time indoor growing!

    looks ok mate but early days lol only water them wen soil is dry.. transplant in week or 2. good luck
  3. cant get enough

    First Grow Outdoor UK

    great thread greenb, very good read even 3-4 years later lol norn iorn
  4. cant get enough

    auto-flowering advice plz

    can admin please delete this post total fucking waste of time, just delete my profile aswell
  5. cant get enough

    Where to buy a 400 HPS or 600 HPS?

    since is hard to get responce on here i give my view. light depens on area 400w- 3ft x 3ft 600w- 4 x4 1000w- 5x5... 400w hps will be fine with 3 plants. i found ebay the cheapest for anything todo with growing even the hydro stores are wild more expensive and cant cant conpete with ebay. not...
  6. cant get enough

    auto-flowering advice plz

    hey guys im going to grow autos for the 1st time growing in 3x3 text 400w-600w hps and just wondering how many plants i could fit in here lol.. iv a few strains in my head that id like to grow but any1 that know any good strains they think i should grow please feel free to add comment. im...
  7. cant get enough

    First grow, time for harvest

    yes more time in this mate, my 1st ever grow was big bang lol ....can remember a friend was boned out in this and couldnt remember his address for the taxi driver to take him home lol. looks good bro
  8. cant get enough

    airy buds? what causes it?

    low/high temps, ph problems, neuts? humitiy levels, over/underwatering.. is only to name a few problems that cant can cause this up to you?? my personal thinking is heat stress
  9. cant get enough

    my next grow

    well after letting my simples dry i was happy with the afghan kush affect it had on me so has it in dark for two day and chopped her tonite, thb im not overal happy with bud size and im thinkin 2- 2 1/2 oz on this plant, which il not be that happy with was hoping for around 4oz... but she did...
  10. cant get enough

    Expert smokers, help please

    super lemon haze for that sativa dom < that shit rocks,, amnesia strains are petty good for getting fcuked up.. i had some amnesia cheese before was delicious.
  11. cant get enough

    How much longer will these need??

    sativa plant need more time to mature, ul need to get somone to look after these while ur away and theyl nearly ready for you coming back.. id say 10-12 weeks left.
  12. cant get enough

    my next grow

    well guys that me today 10 weeks of flowering and i checked the trichomes last nite and they were still cloudy/clear. the weather has got well cold here in last week and im just hoping this wont hurt my babies lol... my pineapple chunk hasnt grew much in the last 2 weeks which im concerned...
  13. cant get enough

    best yield

    i grew big bud and wasnt really impressed with it, much better strains out there. most iv got outta plant was around 3 half oz from blue cheese. my grow now iv done alot of LSTn in veg to see if this will give better yields, and il find out 3-4 weeks the results ;-)
  14. cant get enough

    1st grow - Advice about harvesting - [w\ Trichomes Pictures Posted]

    least 3 weeks on this plant. can still see the hairs are green/white. let it go its time and it will reward u with better results.
  15. cant get enough

    Snapped tops will survive?

    a splint and band aid and it should be fine.. i repared mine this way and it didnt even affect the growth of the broken branch lol and it was snapped off, im hopfully smoking this plant in few weeks :leaf:.. good luck