Recent content by CannaDaKlowN

  1. CannaDaKlowN

    A Question about MM in VT. Please Help!

    I live in VT and I have spoken to my doctor (not primary care) and she said I should go to my primary care and try to get a MM license. I have anxiety/agoraphobia/PTSD and she did argue with me that cannabis (in the long run) is not helpful for anxiety but I beg to differ. I do not like to leave...
  2. CannaDaKlowN

    Greetings from Canna!

    Well, I am a "newbie" for sure when it comes to growing. I have tried for two years with outdoors because of where I live with the first year producing all males amounting to no more than 2 feet tall and no yield at all. This last year I did a little better with 4 plants amounting to no more...
  3. CannaDaKlowN

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I pay anywhere from $240-$300