Recent content by CannabisError

  1. C

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I have this problem every year. Even with BT you will still have catapillars. Just because you spray with BT doesnt mean your not going to want to go out every day and check your buds.
  2. C

    Clone Conspiracy in California??!!

    sorry i skipped a few pages to post this. but i have seen a thread here on RIU that explains with great detail the deterioration through cloning clones. basically what it came down to was each generation of clones not only was slightly (and i mean very slightly) different from the mother...
  3. C

    Best closet grow possible

    honostly if money isnt a problem i would order the foxfarm online and have it shipped to my house... as for the lights, make sure to get a regular HPS bulb and not just a MH, you dont want to flower with MH. when i did my closet grow a couple of years ago we used a couple diff hydro setups. i...
  4. C

    Training plants

    kinda OT but, is your avatar the WTC buildings made to look like a middle finger giving the bird? lol
  5. C

    Roots Hanging I Water??

    its fine for the roots to be sitting in the water, its not going to hurt them. if your having a problem with roots blocking drainage the only thing i could really suggest is a screen (but looks like you may have tried that already)
  6. C

    which method do u use to crack ur seeds?

    exactly what i do. wet paper towel, seed folded inside, put inside a ziplock, on a warm surface with a black rag over to block light.
  7. C

    Hydroponics or compost? what do you use and why?

    with hyrdo as long as the roots are not completely in the water theyre going to get air. with some systems they use pump's to pump in more air to the roots. so the roots are getting air, water and the nutes. and you dont have to worry about the plants drowning as long as you dont use soil for...
  8. C

    topping,, what time??

    ive heard it best to wait untill theres 5 nodes then clip above the second true node for 4 tops. and you can top cuttings
  9. C

    underground opperation

    it can be done, your just going to have to address problems quickly when they come up, which they will...
  10. C

    Hydroponics or compost? what do you use and why?

    tastes better in soil? i dunno... IMHO hydro buds taste WAY better than soil. and in my personal exp, you can cultivate MUCH more in soil than in hydro... maybe you guys are little more exp. than me. ive only been into it for a few years now, and only did straight hydro for maybe 6-7 months...
  11. C

    New grower with a few random questions

    if i was you i would go to the local garden/hydroponics store and get some fax farm ocean forest for soil. much better than MG IMO. the size of the bucket depends on how big you want the plants. the bigger the bucket the bigger the plants will get. the bigger the plants get the longer it...
  12. C

    14 hrs lights during flowering

    indeed, dont stress over it too much though, you might end up lookin like the guy in Lil Czr's avatar..:spew:
  13. C

    Best way to take bud for a sample smoke?

    ive tried the microwave, didnt work well at all. bud was still very moist and all it did was pretty much shrivel up. ive been wanting to try the oven but last time while it was preheating i thought a blowdryer might work better, so i tried that. all i did was put some bud in a shot glass and...
  14. C

    autoflower or 12 12 from seed

    my thoughts exactly
  15. C

    cnbc marijauna inc

    i like how they call pot narcotics and the bitch doing the interviews makes it sound like someones cooking meth when describing the process of "making" marijuana... oh yeah and "this is a typical pot garden" LOL yeah everyone i know who grows bud has 19 foot plants and harvests pounds at a time...