Recent content by BONGMOM


    Advice/ suggestions

    Been growing my babe for a few months now but I'm convinced it should be showing a lot more progress than it is? Potted about 3-4 months ago and the results are seen in the photos! Recently bought a red/blue UV light to hopefully speed up the process but not sure if it's helping! No idea where...

    NEWBIE PROBLEMS: Leafs with holes, yellow patches and curling

    Thankyou for this advice, so helpful! I woke up and saw a few bugs flying around the plant this morning so I think that was the source! Any suggestions on where to purchase suitable lights? As I've been searching for a while but can't seem to find any

    NEWBIE PROBLEMS: Leafs with holes, yellow patches and curling

    Hi yeah this is my first time growing!

    NEWBIE PROBLEMS: Leafs with holes, yellow patches and curling

    So this is my first time growing. I planted my baby in its pot a few months back and left outside in the heat until it got colder. Since it's been inside I've noticed it's decreasing in growth and some of the leafs are showing worrying signs, towards the bottom the leaves have completely turned...