Recent content by BlackThumb99

  1. BlackThumb99

    Newbie SCROG Grow...Trimming Under The Screen?

    I am doing my first SCROG grow using an aeroponics system and a homemade screen created from a picture frame. My clones are female King's Kush and White Widow. I started training my plants late in the vegatative growth cycle, so the stems are trained lengthwise and through the screen, but I have...
  2. BlackThumb99

    Is there ANY real data on the impact of nutes on grow quality? Nature or Nurture?

    Amen, bro! I read your grow thread through and I really liked your experiement. Nice work!! I've been a GH user for a couple of years now. My eyes are opening and my pocket book is closing. I just gotta ask one thing....are you in any way connected to DynaGro or is your recommendation free...
  3. BlackThumb99

    Is there ANY real data on the impact of nutes on grow quality? Nature or Nurture?

    Like everyone else who grows hydro, I've spent a fortune on nutes promising various benefits to my plants. Bigger...more buds...greater potency...stickier buds...self-harvesting..etc., etc. Ok..I lied about the harvesting.. Assuming that genetics are controlled for....and that basic NPK...
  4. BlackThumb99

    Older smokers vs younger

    Damn...this thread totally bums me out!! I'm freakin 60...been smokin since I was 17....went to Woodstock...smoked the Acapulco Gold...ate the Owsley (quite a few times!)...did midnight Dead at the Filmore East and New Years Shows at the Filmore in SF. Now the "old dudes responding in this...
  5. BlackThumb99

    Blender hash at it's finest with a twist!

    Once you've harvested your trichomes, is there enough THC in the actual plant material to re-dry the trim/bud and try a BHO extraction?? I wanna squeeze every cannabinoid molecule outta my grows.
  6. BlackThumb99

    Ice Hash

    I'm definitely gonna try this!!! I've made kief hash from my grinder scrapings....and found that the quality improves when I warm it in the oven (wrapped in wet papers) at 250 degrees F...for about a half an hour. Has anyone tried the oven warm-up with kinda bubble hash? Damn...I'm drooling! I...
  7. BlackThumb99

    Taking cuttings

    So...this has always confused me....can I make topping and cloning one process? Can I take my cuttings from the top of the main stem and will that result in its branching or am I better off taking my cutting from low on the plant and separately topping the mainstem? Whatcha think?
  8. BlackThumb99

    Lowryder #2 Compact Grow

    I haven't grown lowryder varieties. Do they provide a worthwhile yield and decent potency??