Recent content by bchaseb

  1. B

    water temps

    I prefer to keep my water cool it helps with root rot
  2. B

    should i use both my 400 watt mh and hps @ the same time or is it overkill

    Cool well it stays @ 73degrees constantly so I hope it will be a dank harvest it's my first try @ hydroponics
  3. B

    DMT Anyone?

    I personally love dmt I extract it regularly as a hobby and have a nice personall collection. I recomend smoking it on a bowl of passion flower
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    should i use both my 400 watt mh and hps @ the same time or is it overkill

    i have a 6 plant dripp system in a 4x4 space with a 400 watt hps and a 400 watt metal hallide. ive been wondering lately if thats to much or if it will make my buds all the more dank.bongsmilie
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    my roots are slightly brown where they come out of the net pots

    my roots are slightly brown where they come out of the net pots and seem to have a film like substance that has formed around em. i started useing 35% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE but no difference yet. any thoughts or the way the plants are healthy and no sighns of difficancy yet in...
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    Is smokeing in your grow room bad for the plants

    is smokeing marijuana in your grow room harmful to the plants
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    why are my hairs on my plant turning red 1 month into flowering

    Anyone know why the hairs on my sour deisel plant is turning red so early
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    Well in truth the more yellowish orange the less potent but just smoke more use passion flower also it intesnsifies it greatly