Recent content by balkan

  1. B

    How long do the nutes last once mixed?

    bump bump pump
  2. B

    old nutrients Can i stll use them

    I did the same thing left my flora nova nutes in the drawer for 2yrs, I'm starting again now. Looks like its working fine soo far. The guy at the hydro store said the plants would let me know if it had expired and I shouldn't waste my money!lol I also have small crystal like balls in it, his...
  3. B

    How long do the nutes last once mixed?

    I have a question related to this which i cant find an answer to. How long do nutes last once mixed if kept in a bucket at room temp (which varies from 71-75 approx) its a bit different as I am running a drip system with a 5gal the nute are not in contact with the plant roots...
  4. B

    sucanat/molasis and other sugars effect on Osmosis??!

    bump....update: it has really cause my water to go cloudy and smelly and slimy so I have stopped it!
  5. B


    i run a double honeywell fan on all day ( 20hours) on max speed in my closet both fans never had a problem....make sure your extension cords are not cheep shit and your timmer can handle the fan load, some very cheep timers cant handle fans. I also run a 3rd scrubber fan (S&P) in the same...
  6. B

    nutrient or heat burn & nute Question

    In case anyone had a similar problem.....this was fixed by adding a larger air pump and reducing my ph to 6. I guess the answer was not nute burn but some sort of deficiency instead. thanks for the help guys.
  7. B

    WTF!?!? Mushrooms are sprouting in my indoor crop!! is that bad?

    is that corner shaded? I think it is a mixture of humidity and shade....mushrooms dont usually grow direct sunlight! pretty crazy though!
  8. B

    sucanat/molasis and other sugars effect on Osmosis??!

    I have stared to add some sucanat to my hydro....but I'm actually very hestiant whether I should continue or not. Regardless of what type of sugar you are adding, can this be absorbed by the plant and does it interfere with other natural plant mechanism (i.e so the extra sugar may actually make...
  9. B

    nutrient or heat burn & nute Question

    I do very much appreciate the help.I am a newb so I can't argue but why make the Nova Grow then? (other than the obvious cash grab I guess). Also trying to go with a lower ph to about 5.8 or 6 i think before i was probably closer to a 6.5 so not sure about the mag deficiency since nova grow...
  10. B

    nutrient or heat burn & nute Question

    the bloom is for flowering dude! lacks N. not sure about floralicious might be causing this. but I used it on my 1st grow (this is my second) and the end result was great! so trying not to change too many variables. but having the same burn problems as my first grow without all the ph problems...
  11. B

    nutrient or heat burn & nute Question

    hey guys I think this is probably nute burn but what do I know! My ladies are pretty close to my lights 250hd but I keep them very well fanned. and looks more like the middle leafs are effected. Im using very little nute about .6 ml of floranova & .1 floralicious plus in a gallon of water (my...
  12. B

    ph scale chart image

    thanks a lot guys...and good effort dadio but i gotta agree with doobydoobydoo!lol but gives me a decent idea at least was going too dark last couple of days.
  13. B

    ph scale chart image

    hi, I'm starting my second grow after a year now...first one was unbelievable! Funny combination of aerogarden and sunsytem2 lights!lol anyway I still have my ph tester kit for the 1st time but lost the chart can someone do me a big favor a post a chart? the brand I'm using is Pro PH tester...