Recent content by BackwoodAssasin

  1. BackwoodAssasin

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Sasha grey has a lovely purse.
  2. BackwoodAssasin

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    PETA at it again. She seems comfortable.
  3. BackwoodAssasin

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    This shit is funny to me. Guess i'm a geek. T8FnACj25xM
  4. BackwoodAssasin

    Roll Call For RIU Military Vets

    I was at camp Fallujah. We ran convoys from there to just about everywhere else in country. TQ and bagdad were our most visited.
  5. BackwoodAssasin

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    If the first thing you see is a dudes chest and arm, you might be a homo.
  6. BackwoodAssasin

    Carpet Weed

    When I was younger, I had a problem with smoking almost all of my stash in one sitting. To help spread it out, I would get totally lit and hide small bags all over my room. It was like a little surprise present from myself every time I'd find one. Go to put my socks on and feel a little baggy...
  7. BackwoodAssasin

    Roll Call For RIU Military Vets

    Marine Corps Motor T fellas. Can't Truck it, Fuck it. '05-'09. Did a tour in Iraq back in '06, and EARNED my C.A.R. and Purple Heart. Much love to everyone who has been in the fight and\or supported those that have. Yut Yut Kill!
  8. BackwoodAssasin

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Especially if you leave permanent markers laying around.
  9. BackwoodAssasin banners

    Honest mistake. No harm done. Besides, better to question and be wrong, than say nothing and believe everything you read.
  10. BackwoodAssasin banners

    I didn't create the "quality" slogan. Since I have never used Speedy, I would not make that leap. I was just getting blazed and working on making a new avatar when I came across his thread. I went to his website and pulled a couple of pics and put his slogan in the middle. I'm not a graphic...
  11. BackwoodAssasin banners

    Never ordered, but this guy seems legit.
  12. BackwoodAssasin banners

    I just ripped a few things from your page and threw them together.
  13. BackwoodAssasin

    My first Aero build/grow

    Can't wait to see them. Post some pics when you get a chance.
  14. BackwoodAssasin

    My first Aero build/grow

    Alright brother, I'm not an extremely experienced grower, but I think I can help you with a couple things. First off, algea is a no go. It means you have a light leak somewhere which can be bad news for your roots. You could add small covers over your net pots to keep light from coming in that...
  15. BackwoodAssasin

    How come my weed smells like weed but tastes like tobacco?

    I have heard that water curing weed can cause the smoke to smell like tobacco, but seeing as how i've never done this firsthand i'm not sure. Did your friend grow it himself or buy it off someone else?