Recent content by Ark Angel HFB

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    Help please! Should I abandon the mothership? (Pics included)

    So I posted a while ago about my plant that had a devastating case of Root Rot and all I did to try and bring her back. you can read that here, but it is a flipping novel, as one person said. Anyway so right now here is the...
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    I may have ****'d up... (Hydro - Root Rot)

    Any specific shot you want?
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    I may have ****'d up... (Hydro - Root Rot)

    You may have a point there... hmmm.... -_^
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    1st timer grow set up. Thoughts?

    Not sure how effective it will be, but it looks regal AF. XD I feel like you need to be chilling with a cup of tea in the back like "RightRight,verygood,right." *British accent.
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    Stunted growth, extremely long stretch period, slow bud development

    Not that this is a great thing but... you could also consider some under lighting with CFLs... like some lamps under the canopy pointed up couldn't hurt.
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    I may have ****'d up... (Hydro - Root Rot)

    Current Photos of setup and roots... ( ) While this is really just for documentation for others so that maybe it might help them... I'm WAAAAY open to some help from anyone who knows more than me... which is probably every single person here. I've kept the PH correct...