Recent content by AllAboutIt

  1. AllAboutIt

    I use to but i still do too

    You guys caught all lies.
  2. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Sucks to suck
  3. AllAboutIt

    I use to but i still do too

    I get it, you people have some sort of stuck in your ass and a thumb in your mouth..must suck to suck
  4. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    O the joy of assuming. I'm done here have a good 1
  5. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Congrats on being an internet douche
  6. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    You have no respect. The internet has given you a outlet of which yiu would no pursue in real life. Stay blissful genius
  7. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Last time
  8. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Lmao!!! That's dried guttation. Would u like a beginners guide to horticulture?
  9. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Aren't you precious smh.
  10. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Here's another reference for you..thanks for looking
  11. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    I know its hard for some idiots like yourself to grasp the full spectrum of well feed's an fyi. Cheers
  12. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Did the best tell you to use a bitch who left you as you profile pic..smh educate yourself a little more in do good work but im sure you are a lonely douchebag. Thanks for your input kiddo