Recent content by alexthepothead

  1. A

    Please help to identify the problem

    the story goes on and the next leaves are going green and even sick once look healthier
  2. A

    Please help to identify the problem

    guess what? I found some old pics from previous year. the one that managed to survive and it looks pretty much like Marijuana Mosaic Virus. you can notice that pots are the same. but thosewere at the balcony for whole winter, and it is like -20 C here. wtf? any ideas how to save those babies?
  3. A

    Please help to identify the problem

    It is day light, the temperature is not more than 30 C (its my room), soil is universal with peat 5,5-7,0 PH, no adds, no feeding, watering once in a couple of days while it gets dry... Thank you for your attention
  4. A

    Please help to identify the problem

    donno really, but I think it shouldn't be more than 70%. The thing is that this happened really fast, like in 1-2 days :( Does it look like any familiar infection or smth? To me it looks like its burned...
  5. A

    Please help to identify the problem

    Really disappointed, second crop in a raw gets the same problem. Last year I lost almost all my plants because of that. May be You know what this is?
  6. A

    Please help to identify sex

    thank you really needed to hear it :D
  7. A

    Please help to identify sex

    So, indoor, closed soil, no lamps, 2nd week of flowering. same plant, does it look like hermo? or male still? thank you:joint: