Recent content by alex90

  1. A


    i just wanne know if its possible to dry my buds outside on my window sill in a box? just a question if its possible cuz i cant do it again in my house cuz its really fucked up with the smell.
  2. A


    if i were to plant like 3 more seeds since i found out 2 of my plants are male would they make it to flower a good amount. Right now the plants r starting to flower since the light has changed but if i plant some new ones during this flowering period of time can they sill grow well and produce...
  3. A


    i have a plant thats flowering already! The plant is getting yellow leaves and eventually they die mostly on the cuttings. If this happens does that mean the buds will be smaller. Like do the bud sizes depend also on how many leaves there are on the cuttings that the buds are developing on...
  4. A

    no growth

    i hardly ever give them nutes, water 1 every 2 days, 6 hrs of direct sunlight a day,,,i dnt know the genetics thanks
  5. A

    no growth

    i have to california orange females that have been growing since early july i think even maybe late june. most of my other plants have been growing quite well but the 2 cal. orange plants just grew straight up and but the cuttings are barely growing. normally u shud have bushy plants but mine...
  6. A


    ok thanks a lot guys... but i really dont know what the measurement is of 3% hydrogen peroxide. i just dont know how to do that
  7. A


    1 more thing sorry. do i have to go and buy a pH tester? and if i the pH is too low wat do i have to do.... and if to high wat do i have to do?
  8. A


    where can i get hydrogen poroxide and how much is 1/4 of a cup. like wat kinda cup?
  9. A


    dude but seriously im not a gardener or anything. how the fuck shud i mix the shityy stuff?
  10. A


    i just spent like 10 min explaining everything though... cummon i talked about all the yellow colours and burnt tips
  11. A


    i had such a nice lookin plant before and now everything got all fucked up :( all my leaves including the cutting leaves are brown (burnt at the tips) and each day r getting more and more yellow and eventually dying off. the burnt tips i suppose are cuz of a nute burn i guess but i just cant...
  12. A

    Roots bending

    well i did it very carefully.... i did it under light so i cud see but only for like 10 seconds.. that cant do much harm especially if i did it carefully can it?
  13. A

    Roots bending

    i have a tiny plant that is about 1 week old and it was very loose when i picked up the pot.. so i looked in the soil to see if it was broken or somethin and i noticed that the root structure was bent all the way to the right.. is that a bad sign or somethin.. wat shud i do?
  14. A


    is it rele a big pblm
  15. A


    sorry for posting new threads all the time but this is the easiest way for me to get help from people. I have 5 plants that are growing roots out the bottom of the pots and i dont know if this is a big pblm. They r going to be growing all summer and they are just one month old and the roots are...