Recent content by adam1212

  1. adam1212

    Has anyone seen this before??

    thanks....i'll try a flush...temps are within norms....maybe white widow is sensetive to nutes
  2. adam1212

    Has anyone seen this before??

    I'm following a standard nutrient schedule that i have been using all year....this is a pic of a white widdow.....why is it slightly curling at the tips? i'm pretty sure that i have enough magnesium....its also not hot on the leaves as leaves closer to the bottom are exhibiting this as...
  3. adam1212

    Questions regarding flushing

    Yeah, I use hydro and I needed to flush for only four days twice a day hand watering them out of the tray....everything should be fine with your plants....i think the standard many people use is from 3-5 days....
  4. adam1212

    Mold and Hydrogen Peroxide

    Hi, Would spraying H202 on plants with the white powder mold help kill it?
  5. adam1212

    bud candy vs dark energy

    Hi, does anyone have any experience/knowledge of both products? My store was out of dark energy and recommended bud candy...just curious what some of the major differences are...if any....opinions anyone??
  6. adam1212

    White Mold

    Hi, I got some white mold on some of my flowering plants with about 3 weeks to go...I've been spraying the leaves with neem...anyone have any other suggestions?
  7. adam1212

    footcandle to lumen conversion

    Hi, I bought a light meter that gives its measurement in footcandles....i measure 5000 many lumens is that?
  8. adam1212

    Methods of ingestion

    ive never drank any weed extract, but a new level of being fucked up would def be when u eat weed:lol:
  9. adam1212

    How much MG to use?

    thanks using this floragro, floramicro, synergy and florabloom ...i thought i was usinig the correct ratios according to the instructions, but this is what i ended up with...see attached pics watcha think?
  10. adam1212

    How much MG to use?

    gonna use epsom salt to give some MG to the girls...i have 6 plants and the water container i use is 27 much epsom salt do i use and what is the procedure for putting it in the container??
  11. adam1212

    1000 Watt System Question?

    i think that the minumum is area is 10X10...or 12X12...i would not go anything less than 10X10
  12. adam1212

    Feedback Please

    temp is about 74....there are some mites, but i have that under control......would the fans really cause this type of stress??? these leaves are close to the base
  13. adam1212

    Feedback Please

    too much nutes??
  14. adam1212

    Feedback Please

    What do u guys think is wrong with these plants? i'm thinking MG deficiency and maybe too much nutes??
  15. adam1212

    Weed overdose!!!

    that experience sounds like the last time i smoked DMT :) time if you feel like your going to collapse you should sit down (preferably lie down so your heart doesn't have to work at pumping your blood vertically) so u dont collapse and hurt yourself on the way down