Recent content by 99problemss

  1. 99problemss

    Over supercropped ?

    I have found that if you use biodegradable tape, ones that grow with the pinched area, it heals back faster and better. It's super cheap and in the garden section at any hardware store. Also, I'd only s/c in veg....
  2. 99problemss

    Are my plants revegging?

    How much will my yield suffer if I try to flip them back to flowering right now?
  3. 99problemss

    Are my plants revegging?

    Had them out sometime in Feb with supplemental lights. The indica heavy Blackberry flowered in mid-late April, and the Animal Cookies lagged it sometime after. I have light deprivation ready but the Blackberry doesn't look like it wants to revert back. I have heard that some indica strains...