Recent content by 7cotton7

  1. 7cotton7

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I hear body spray is definitely bad for them! lol :-)
  2. 7cotton7

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    She is really taking off, I like your idea of reburying the main stem to try for more roots, I say give it a try
  3. 7cotton7

    The Return Of Hashberry/Lockdown

  4. 7cotton7

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    Looking great, with as small as she is you shouldn't have damaged anything with the holes, I line the bottom quarter inch or so with small gravel and use a tray liner under the pot this way there is great airflow no matter what I stack on. Keep up the good work
  5. 7cotton7

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    That's a great looking green and white piece
  6. 7cotton7

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I was thinking about adding a second 250 to my box instead of upgrading to a 400 and was curious if anyone has pics or an experience with doing this
  7. 7cotton7

    The Return Of Hashberry/Lockdown

    Out of curiosity what does taking the air out do for them? Im guessing you use a canning tool, I wanted to try this but haven't found a canner
  8. 7cotton7

    Hey doob just wanted to stop in and say thanks again for all your help, it seems whenever I need...

    Hey doob just wanted to stop in and say thanks again for all your help, it seems whenever I need some help your there for me. Your greatly appreciated by myself and thanks for any future help
  9. 7cotton7

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Will the plants diminish in overall characteristics or does it just stay shorter or something like get airy buds?
  10. 7cotton7

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    I agree, I don't use a screen but I do tie my branches down and have noticed that any of my leaves that touch the soil create mold
  11. 7cotton7

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Also when you say 1-2 grows is that with vegging under it because I do perpetual weigh veg. In a diff box for about 2-3 weeks before they hit the hps
  12. 7cotton7

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Good to know, I think im going to have to be looking for a new bulb, hewing there isn't a hydro shop within an hour of town, ebay here I come
  13. 7cotton7

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I was curious on how I know when its time for a new bulb? I bought my 250 used and the guy said it was down like 15%, and I have used it at 12/12 for about 4 months
  14. 7cotton7

    Operation Christmas Ganja 2011

    Mmm here starting to look all tasty
  15. 7cotton7

    Kryptonote 7 week strain 8 weeks in.

    I use the roll of the twist tie stuff, it comes with a built in cutter, and it works great for EVERYTHING. I split a fimmed plant and twist tied it back together and then the stalk got huge and grew all the way around the twist tie, although im still a newborn, it was my best plant so far.