Recent content by 2 Can

  1. 2

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    So far I've only grown from seeds, never tried cuttings. I've got 3 small grows under me belt, vegging all for 2 months, chucking the males out & then flowering for 2 months ... just like the book told me :) After seeing Heaths awesome setup it's got me wanting to give vert a go ( vertigo...
  2. 2

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    ....I'm not sure but I think Heath takes his new cuttings for the next grow at 2 weeks into the 12/12 flower cycle and roots them in a seperate bubbler system. I don't think this a perpetual system so how to go about getting the original 84 cuttings I'm still trying to figure bongsmilie My...
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    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    LOL ... what about the cuttings? How to get 86 at a time? So many questions :mrgreen: Heath, seriously... I've picked up so much info from your threads, I'm an expert without even doing it! Top man geez *doffs cap*
  4. 2

    18 Hour Light Cycle

    I know I know... but it's got me hooked & wanting to try it out. I'm a sucker for this sort of snake oil... LOL I was thinking maybe running 2 seperate identical DWC buckets, using same cuttings in each one and see what happens. It should be quickly evident if there's anything in this 18 hour...
  5. 2

    18 Hour Light Cycle

    I've not tried this method but it sounds really interesting. The only downside appears to be that 18 hour timers seem few and far between - you either need to get a mega expensive CO2 controller or an Australian company makes them for about £100 each. Any other sources for timers would be great...
  6. 2

    18 Hour Light Cycle

    Growing with an 18 hour Day/Night Cycle The theory behind the 18 hour Day/Night cycle is that during a normal 24 hour light cycle plants will usually achieve high growth rates peaking at 100% capacity during the first 50 - 60% of the day. The growth rates will then diminish rapidly and the...
  7. 2

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Truly inspirational & very much better than the commercial verts I've looked at. I hope all goes accordingly. I bet there's a few of us here just itching to give your system a try... :bigjoint: you Sir, are a legend. May I follow kiss-ass