Winterizing BHO gone wrong... help


New Member

  • Alright rollitup, I don't spend much time on here but I think my current situation requires some insight from the extraction army....

    I have about 200 runs under my belt and decided to try some new techniques, aka winterization. Now, I have searched and searched for information more detailed about the process and always come up short. Therefor, this is all pretty new to me and understanding it has almost become my worst nightmare... What seemed to start off well, took a turn for the worse no doubt.

    After extracting 1 1/2 lbs of some straight fire, I really need to figure out what's going on over here!
    I did my normal process and blasted into pyrex, followed up by dissolving my oil into some everclear.. the reaction was pretty impressive and immediately it began to separate as planned. After I felt it was dissolved, I stuck it in the freezer/dry ice for a little over 24 hrs. The results were immaculate and ready to be poured. After filtering the wax/lipids out of my oil, I was left with a clear yellowish liquid with what seemed to be no plant matter. The pyrex sat out for a few days, no heat, and I was letting it evaporate on its own when I noticed coagulation on the bottom of the pyrex that had trickled its way through filters. Soo0o0o0o, my brain thought it was a good idea to try to refilter what I was left with (as I really wanted to experiment) BUT THIS WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER. NOW, i have what looks like a milkshake sitting in my freezer. It seems like it turned it into a similar residue to whats leftover after you clean your bongs/pipes with ethanol, but I don't quite understand how to fix it, what it means, what I did... etc. If anyone has any answers, pointers, etc....feel free to point me in the right direction. I mean seriously, I has a milkshake in da freezer. I tried to filter a small amount out to see what would happen, straight negative results!
