More Purple than Green


Active Member
I have two clones about three weeks old that have great growth but there is more purple on the stems and leaf veins than green. Even the main stalk is almost completely purple. Also the edges of the leaves seem to be turning purple. They are indoors in soil and the temp. stays within tho 70s or 80s. People have told me phosphorous but i need some other input.


Well-Known Member
yup it could be the strain... might also be worth trying some Mg (epsom salts) foliar feed for a wk or so... ph def can also cause purpling, but as MJ uses alot of MG whilst its growing, thats your best bet.


Active Member
BY foliar feed you mean by spaying the plants with epsom salts? how much salt should i add to like a spay container and how many times a week should i do this if im having the same promblems plant is about 18 days old...lookes good but starting to yellow i kno im cant be over watering i only water about 2 times a week at the most..Rain water i use! aslo i feed it a small dose of superthrive.. but my plant is purple all over (stems) veins...????????????


Well-Known Member
yes that is wot he met by foliar feed. wot is your ph at? and are you feeding them other then superthrive?


Active Member
my ph level in the water idn i have been useing rain water...soo im sure the ph in that water is as good as it can be for the plant. my soil im using i MG organic aslo i have 7 cfls on my plant.. aall about 4-5 in away...2 fans temp usally 80-82 when on 77 when off...i have about 4 sets of leaves...the bottom 2 sets are dying an turning all yellow but my new groth every time is still green...


Well-Known Member
i've grown quite a few purple strains and there always green in veg epsom salt works good for me but i mix it in with my nutes


Well-Known Member
If youre using rain water, depending on where you live, ie proximity to large industrial areas,surrounded by freeways etc, you could be pouring acid rain onto your babies...If you are gonna use rain water, its important to ph check it.

If i use MG for a foliar feed i use 1/3 tsp of epsom salts in a 1litre spray bottle

or if you wish to add it to your rsain water, mix 1/2 tsp to a litre of water and apply to the soil.. Although foliar feeding will get faster results on a sick plant..

DO NOT spray the foliage, during the light cycle, or you'll cook them...either just before lights out, or a half hr(ish) before lights on..You havent got to drown them, just give them a light misting each day.

hope thats a help. :)


Active Member
thanks man, o i live in florida...really not by any cities or big highways more by the beach.

What if my stems just stay purple is that ok?


Active Member
I dont know if they do but that would make alot of sense since i watched a cop drive through town in a converted viper while i was there.


Active Member
i saw on cops one time some guy bought like 20 bux of weed and lost his truck. so he goes from being a stoner to more than likely someone desperate who cant get to work and is oging to have to pay the gov when he gets out and onto probation without a car to get him to work.


Well-Known Member
o ya is it ok or bad for me too cut of the dead leaves on my plant now...its only 3 weeks old

Most strains that have purple/red coloring normally get it in later life, with your plants at such a young age it suggests Mg deficiency or another def, poss phos.
Give it a shot of Mg, if that works fine, Marijuana uses alot of Mg during growth..If its still purple and if it looks sick, ie youre getting necrotic leaves etc, try to tackle any other possible deficiencies, go steady, a lil at a time, you dont want to cause total nute lock-out by over doing things..
Do a search for the nutrient disorder problem solver either here or via google, you'll find all the information you need to diagnose potential problems, and how to remedy them.

If its purple and growing without any problems, its probably a strain characteristic.

What strain is it???

As for the dead leaves, if i ever get any, i just leave them to dry up and all off, or pinch the stem of the dead leaf, that way it will die off totally, and fall off..If you cut the leaves/stem,use a sterile scalpel as there is always a potential for bacteria to get into the 'wound' and possibly kill the plant, altho it is unlikely unless the plants were really sick.

As for cops, i dont hate cops, theyre just doing their job..If your house gets ripped off, or your wife gets raped who ya gonna call??? the cops!
Its the beaurocrats and politicians i loathe, as its them who create the retarded laws,and subject the rest of the country to endure their ideology of how we should live our lives.


Active Member
thanks man,, um i dont know what kind of strain it is.... the broad marijuana leaves are reall skinny looking...its just a really good bag weed....but ya ill keep tryin out that esposon salt an give it shot...idn it just seems like she might die tho....well see